On the road; Utah, CA etc..

I finally have some time to update a few things around here. The long silence was in part due to some time spent traveling. Jamie and I headed to California to visit friends, enjoying some warm weather and poolside lounging/beverages. Upon returning to Jackson, I turned around the next morning and headed down to Flaming Gorge Utah with Matt for our annual fishing trip down there. Add in some substitute teaching, drawing lessons and some days in Dubois, and you can start to see why there has not been much activity around here lately.

This years Flaming Gorge trip was great as usual. Matt and I spent four days fishing to the lower Green River’s resident (and large) rainbow and brown trout. This year was a bit more challenging due to big flow releases coming out of the damn. Morning arrivals at the river had water levels nearly overflowing the banks. However by mid afternoon, water dropped by 2-3 feet making for a much mellower river. Because of the flow fluctuations, fish were spooky and hatches not as consistent as years past. We did pretty well though fishing big streamers, switching to 6X tippets and size 22 midges when we found rising fish.

hooked up

Hooked up below Little hole; fish were hungry for midges

Nate with brown

The result. We took a few from the slow pockets and seams along the banks

matt with fg brown

Matt got his streamer fishing on! All hail the Black and Red!

A view from the water

After hiking down to Grasshopper Island, we surveyed the scene and tried to break the ice off our guides

Cree Hackle; the mythical beast and a hackle shootout

Cree Hackle shootout….

Hackle participants

Here’s my collection of Cree and Cree related
Hackles; how do they stack up against brown and grizzly?

Cree Hackle is a mythical beast; one feather that does it
all and is as rare (and expensive) these days as a a white
buffalo. For those fly tiers out there who aren’t familiar with
this rare colored rooster hackle, cree is basically a grizzly
hackle with brown and ginger mixed in, making it, in theory,
perfect for tying Adams/parachute adams or any other dry
flies that require the magic mix of brown and grizzly hackle.

I tie a lot of flies and am somewhat of a hoarder when it
comes to dry fly hackle (both rooster necks and saddles).
Additionally, like a lot of anglers, the parachute adams dry fly
is one of my “go-to” patterns, both for personal use and when
guiding clients on rivers like the Snake here in Jackson Hole. I
tie a lot of them and am always looking for a quicker way to
tie. Last year I set out on a quest to find cree hackle to
incorporate into my patterns. After talking with the good folks
at Whiting, I learned that they don’t even offer Cree necks
anymore since they are so rare and demand so high (i’m sure
someone gets the rare one now and then, but not tyers like
me). They did recommend and send me a barred dark ginger
cape though, saying it’s a good cree substitute. I also ended
up ordering a “chili pepper” cape from Clearwater Hackle in
Idaho; their version of cree. Then I hit the jackpot. While
shopping in Idaho Falls, I came across four Metz cree capes at
Sportsman’s Warehouse. FOUR! I did what any self-respecting
fly tier would do and bought three; figuring such an
opportunity might never happen again. After tying with them
on and off for a while now, I thought I conduct a little
“research” to see how my different hackles stack up, and if all
or any of them are a true substitute for the tried and true one
grizzly/one brown hackle.

All flies were tied parachute style on a size 12 hook.
Here’s the subjects, the results and my thoughts…. Sorry for
the lousy photos.

Fly 1:Traditional parachute adams tied with both a grizzly
and brown hackle that came from Whiting rooster necks.

killer combo; brown and grizzly hackleTraditional parachute adams 

My Whiting brown and grizzly rooster necks; the
standards for which all are judged. 

Fly 2:tied with a barred dark ginger feather from a Whiting

Barred dark ginger hackle            parachute adams with barred dark ginger hackle

Whiting recommends this color hackle as a close
replacement for cree. On the neck I have, the larger size
feathers definitely look to be cree. The smaller sizes however
are primarily of the brown/ginger barring, lacking the black.
Overall though I would agree that this is pretty close to cree
and I bet if you found a few to pick through at a retail shop you
could get one pretty close to your objective. When tied, I
found that the hackle on this fly was on the lighter shade-
more ginger in color and lacking darkness. Overall though it
looks buggy and is great for certain patterns…

Fly 3:tied with a cree feather from one of my Metz necks.

tied with cree hackle


These feathers are the real deal and are what I’m judging
all others on. I was pretty pleased with how this fly turned
out; definitely had the black barring and buggy look. The
browns are not quite a prevalent compared to using two
hackles. These feathers make tying small adams, caddis, etc.

Fly 4:tied with a chili pepper feather from a Clearwater
hackle neck.

Clearwater Hackle Fly with chili pepper hackle

Clearwater’s a newer player in the hackle game, but do a
nice job. Their necks are affordable, have lots of feathers and
the customer service is great. Their feathers are much shorter
than say Whiting and remind me of the old dry fly necks I
started tying with years back. The chili pepper color is their
version of cree. The neck I was sent doesn’t quite have the
black barring found on cree necks, but overall it ties a pretty
nice fly; albeit lighter than the traditional tie. Definitely worth
checking Clearwater’s inventory as their chili pepper necks
vary a bit in shading and color…

Fly 5:Grizzly hackle colored brown with sharpie marker.

Fly with sharpie colored griz hackle

This final parachute adams was tied with a grizzly hackle
from a Whiting neck. I partially colored this feather brown
with a sharpie to see how it would compare to the naturals…
It’s not as sexy as tying with the other natural colored
feathers, but it does a damn nice job imitating both brown and
grizzly with one feather and could certainly work well for tying
with one feather.

Overall, I don’t think anything beats the traditional use of
one grizzly and one brown hackled mixed together. However
cree comes awful close and as I mentioned, it makes tying
tiny flies that call for griz/brown hackle easy. I do think all
these colors and variations look better (darker and colored) on
the cape. Once selected and tied, they all are lighter in color.
So there you have it. Hopefully that cleared some questions
up regarding cree hackle and substitutes for the elusive beast.

Resultstop view

Winter thaw

The weather lately has left many of us in Jackson Hole scratching our heads. The past couple of days feel like spring; temperatures have been hitting 50 and the snow in the back yard is melting quickly. Heck, we had happy hour beers on friday outside on the deck at Hayden’s Post. Naturally, the warm weather has folks with fly rods itching to get out on the water. I gave into temptation today, hitting up a stretch of the Snake river. There were quite a few folks out with the long rods. The warm day got a good midge hatch going and I saw numerous fish rising in slower water. I managed to catch a couple of nice cutthroat trout before the sun dipped behind the mountains.

Feb cutthroat

A nice cutthroat comes to hand after falling for a midge pattern. Warm weather has fish feeding

Nice side channel run

This nice side channel along the Snake held a couple strong cutthroat trout today

Back on the sticks

Perhaps suffering from a bit of cabin fever or perhaps just
wanting to get out of town, on Monday Jamie and I hooked up
the drift boat and headed to the Big Horn. What is the Wind
River through the Wind River Canyon, the river emerges,
changes its name at the Wedding of the waters and flows north
through the town of Thermoplis, Wyoming.

Jamie looking for risers on the Big Horn

Jamie looks for risers. Despite a few midges on the
water, rises were few and far between

I’ve floated the BH a few times but this was Jamie’s first
on this great tailwater. I’ll be honest, expectations were high;
we hoped to catch some of the large rainbows and browns that
the river is know for. At the end of the trip though all we had
to show for ourselves was one feisty ‘bow. Oh well, such is
fishing in January.

January take out

Taking out as the sun goes down; nothing a few tow
ropes can’t solve.

The real excitement took place at the takeout where a
truck taking out ahead of us got stuck in the warmed snow.
Fortunately there were two older guys and their Ford Bronco.
Action based on years of experience was taken and eventually,
with the help of some tow straps and a surprisingly powerful
old Bronce, the truck got unstuck and pulled up the ramp.
Seeing this production, I decided it best not to back down to
the boat, instead attaching the tow straps to my winch and
cranking the boat up the snowy slope. Jamie and I left smiling,
proud to live in a state where strangers still happily help
strangers and no one gets stressed because things are running
a little behind schedule….


Well, winter seems to be moving right along. I haven’t
been able to get out fishing the past few days; it’s been pretty
cold and I’ve been substitute teaching. Instead I’ve been doing
a lot of fly tying. 

A view of my fly tying bench. I try to keep it pretty
organized but after a few dozen flies, things start to get out of
control. I recently got a new vise- a Regal Medallion with
stainless steel jaws. It replaces a Renzetti I tied on for close to
20 years. While I have no complaints about the Renzetti
traveler, I love the new Regal. It holds all hook sizes securely
and doesn’t need to be adjusted at all when putting differet size
hooks in. Just squeeze the lever, insert hook and you’re good
to go. Plus, no plastic pieces to fail. Most flies I tie are trout
flies in the size 6-16 range. I do however tie plenty of
streamers (#2,4s, etc.) as well as smaller dry flies, nymphs
and midges (#16-24). Any size I throw at is held in place like a

Teton Fly Fishing's tying bench

Winter fly tying is a great way to scratch the fishing itch
when you can’t actually go fishing. Patterns coming off the
vise this week consisted of some big, articulated streamers
and classic nymphs. I’ve begun organizing fly boxes too, both
for the boat and my vest.

Here’s a completed Zoo Cougar streamer (non articulated).
I really like these and they’re pretty easy to tie. The duck
flank feather really makes the fly look good in the water…

Tying a .

I splurged and bought some new thin orvis boxes for my
nymphs in hopes of simplifying selections for carrying. The box
below is getting filled with my go-to patterns for fishing the
waters here in Jackson Hole, Dubois etc. There’s a ton of
patterns out there, but I always go back to the basics- Hare’s
ears, phesant tails, princes, copper johns and peacock soft
hackles. I like to tie all these both with and without weight
(beadheads or lead wrapping.) In addition to this box, i’m
planning on having a box for tail-water specific bugs (scuds,
rock worms, etc.), a box for still waters (damsel nymphs,
chrionomids, scuds, etc.) and a box for the Firehole river. This
way I can grab the right box for the situation instead of
carrying everything with me all the time. Ofcourse my boat
box will be stocked full of everything so no matter where I’m
floating; Snake, Green, Big Horn, etc. I’ll have what I need.

Nymphs for fly fishing in Jackson Hole

Fishy start to the New Year

Most folks don’t think of January as primetime for fly
fishing around Jackson Hole. There’s snow and cold and skis
outnumber fly rods in and on cars. For those who love trout
and a fly rod, there is no reason not to get out.

Jeremy admires a healthy winter cutthroat trout on
Friday. This guy was residing in a fast run of water up a side
channel and couldn’t resist Jeremy’s stonefly nymph.

Jeremy showing off winter trout

My 2015 fly fishing season has started out well, with trips
to various waters over the past two weeks. We had a warm
spell that pushed temperatures into the low 40s around here
and that was all I needed to grab the fly rod and hit the water.
I spent a few days fishing the Wind River with friends, Brad
and Leon. We couldn’t have asked for better weather and the
fishing was pretty good too with browns and rainbows falling
for our nymph and streamer patterns.

I love the spotting on browns, particularly the bluish
tint around the gills and eyes. A fine specimen from the Wind

spots on a winter brown trout

I also got out on the Snake for two days this past
weekend; one day fishing with my neighbor and good friend,
Jeremy and the other guiding Mike, William and Garrett. The
Snake fished as you would expect for this time of year-
whitefish on nymphs and a few larger cutthroat trout on
nymphs and midges. We also found a pod of sipping trout that
were anything but cooperative. Fun though! Kudos to the North
Carolina men for braving the winter weather and going fishing!

William, on christmas break from college, learned a
thing or two about tight-line nymphing on the Snake River.

winter fly fishing on the snake river, jackson hole  

One other thing to note, the town of Dubois, Wyoming
suffered a horrible fire over the new year, which destroyed
many buildings/shops on main street. The town has pulled
together during this tough time, showing how strong this
community is. Anyone who’s fished the Dubois area with me
over the years knows what a special place it is. Please keep
the town in your thoughts and anyone who wants to make a
donation to help the victims can do so through N.O.D
(Needs of Dubois)

Reflecting on another fishy year

Hope everyone survived (is surviving) the holiday
madness. Around here, snow’s been falling, temperatures
dropping and a lot of relaxing has been occurring. We’ve had a
nice Christmas; meeting up with some friends and spending a
lot of time just lounging around reading and tying flies. Jamie
surprised me this year with a lifetime Wyoming fishing
license. While putting it in my wallet, I took out the collection
of wrinkled 2014 fishing licenses I acquired and they got me
reflecting on this past season. (hey isn’t this what people with
blogs do this time of year?)


I was fortunate to fish a variety of waters, accumulating
quite a few licenses; Wyoming, Yellowstone, Reservation,
Idaho, Colorado and Utah. There were a lot of good days spent
casting flies to trout in the locations and I look forward to
2015 and the fishing adventures that await. Currently in
addition to the usual haunts, there are plans to visit the Green
down at Flaming Gorge this winter, the Salmon in search of
steelhead, and a Bahama bonefish reunion tour among others.
Thinking about all these different waters and trips also
reminded me how much I love my home waters of Wyoming.
It’s nice to have so much trout water in one state and some
unbelievable country to explore within an hour or three of
home. And while I fish quite a bit, it seems there is always
more water to explore; whether it’s a new lake or river, or
water higher up a drainage that gets fished often.

Below are a few notable highlights from my own personal
fishing adventures. Enjoy and here’s to making some more
great memories in 2015.

Fishing the Wind River Indian Reservation gives up
some lunkers. This guy was sipping midges in the

brown on bamboo

Idaho Steel. Jamie and I got around to steelhead
fishing in ID last spring. It was an honor to bring two of these
guys to hand. Hundreds of miles from the ocean and beautiful!

in idaho

My friend Kurt joined me for a few days of Wyoming
fly fishing this spring.While spring can be a bit of gamble for
those casting the long rod, there are some awesome
opportunities One of the days we floated the Big Horn outside
of Thermop. Everything was perfect; the weather, the fish and
the company wasn’t bad either..

Kurt on the 'horn

The highlight of my summer came when I got to
take my 86 year old grandfather fishing on the Snake. He used
to fish out here often, but hadn’t been out in a few years. I’d
say he still has “it”.

and my grandfather

Here’s Jamie as we decend into the Black Canyon of
the Yellowstone river in YNP. We spent a few days in the fall
fishing and camping in the park. Couldn’t have asked for a
better time..

Jamie heading into the black canyon

While Ruby James’ time on earth was short, she
brought us A LOT of fun and happiness. She was on her way to
becoming an excellent companion and fishing dog. We miss her
a lot.

jamie and ruby

A December streamer bite

Fishing is full of surprises. Determined to fish Friday, I set
out from our cabin outside Dubois to fish some nearby water.
For the first hour or so, the wind blew and trout wanted little to
do with my double nymph setup. I debated throwing in the
towel, but in the end decided to throw streamers. Maybe I had
paid my dues earlier, maybe it was the giant articulated
pattern from my vise or maybe it was the long, flat non
descript water; whatever the reason, I was rewarded with a
number of angry trout. Fish hammered my streamer, turning
my day into one of the best streamer fishing days I’ve had in a
long time. Eventually, by mid afternoon, with the sun setting
behind the distant mountains, my day came to and end and I
traded my waders for a fire in the woodstove and comfy couch.

The only rainbow of the day put up one heck of a
fight, fighting well above his weight class

Rainbow likes the streamer

A view streamside. The low December sunlight lit up
the red hills providing a stark contrast to the dark waters of
the Wind river.

Dubois' Wind River in December

This big kype-jawed male brown trout couldn’t help
Wind River Brown

Another nice brown showing off some pretty

Butter in the December sun

The only questions is

Like a lot of fly fishers I know, I love “off the beaten path” trout waters. Fortunately here in Wyoming, we have a lot of them. I’ve been fortunate over the years to share some of my favorite “off the beaten path” trout waters with guests. Yellowstone and the surrounding national forests have a tremendous amount of diverse fishing options. Often the hardest question is figuring out what kind of fishing you’d like to do. Want to fish for Yellowstone Cutthroat trout, Rainbows, Browns, spunky Brook trout? How about Grayling in the high country? The options are endless. About this time every year I start daydreaming about places to fish next season; remembering secret haunts, all while putting together adventures for next year. It’s only mid December, but it’s never to early plan right?  

Yellowstone Cutthroat trout are abdundant in many high country streams and lakes..

Backcountry yellowstone cutthroat

Pure Wyoming trout wilderness….

Wyoming trout country

December days on the water

Well it’s been a little while since I’ve cast a fly. The past
few weeks were cold, making fly fishing difficult at best. That,
combined with the loss of Ruby James made getting out a low
priority. Fortunately temperatures around here have warmed
and some good fishing friends recognized the need to get me
out. Matt and I spent a few hours wade fishing the Snake on
Friday. Temperatures were in the 40s and the snowpack along
the river shallow. We tag-teamed a few nice looking runs with
nymphs and managed a few fish to hand. I was a little
surprised we didn’t see any risers, but nothing wrong with
subsurface action in December. We spoke to a few other
anglers in the parking lot and surmised that melting snow
dropped water temperatures and made fish inactive (always
good to have theories on why the fishing’s slow).

Matt fishes a double nymph combo in hopes of
fooling a few fish in a deep run….

Snake River in December

A cutthroat, no matter the size, always feels like a
victory in the winter….

winter cutthroat trout

During the weekend, I found myself in Dubois checking on
our cabin. The weather was fantastic and I was excited to hit
the water with friend and fishing guru Leon Sanderson. We
fished a few different pieces of water and managed some nice
fish. Again though, we had to work for our fish. Tight line
nymphing was challenging as the takes were very subtle.
Regardless, it was great to catch up with Leon and spend an
entire day on the water. Plus, I feel like it was a good way for
me to deal with the loss of the pup. We celebrated our day
with a delicious homecooked fried chicken dinner!

Leon working a nice run of water….

December on the Wind River

This week looks to continue to be fairly nice. I’m jumping
back in the substitute teaching game but hope to also get out
on the Snake.