Bonefish round two…

I just returned from a week of bonefishing in the Bahamas with longtime fishing clients, Chris and Mark. After years of guiding the guys on rivers here in western Wyoming, they became intrigued by my tales of saltwater fly fishing. I was happy to accompany them on their first bonefishing trip last year and again happily agreed to join-on this year for another crack at the grey ghosts. We spent a week down south pursuing shadows, both fishing on foot and with a guide. The bonefish were bonefish- big, strong, fast and moody, sometimes eagerly eating our shrimp flies and other times not giving the time of day to them. Sometimes we fished to large schools and sometimes to lone cruisers. It was another great trip and I do believe we will do it again next year! Enjoy a few photos from our trip…

Leaving the dock in the morning
Captain Shervin looks over a flat while Chris (on bow) and Mark (seated) wait for instruction. Shervin is kind enough to swap his skiff for this panga to accommodate the three of us.
Starfish on the flat. Always fun to see the various sea creatures while fishing in the shallows
Me showing off one of the many bonefish caught over the course of five days
After a long winter in Wyoming, these beautiful purple flowers along a flat made quite an impression on me. Flowers were blooming!
Mark hooked up! We fished this creek system at low tide and did well with bonefish, snapper and barracuda
Releasing a grey ghost…..
Chris kicking off the last morning of wade fishing with a resident bonefish!
I love a good Mutton Snapper. Especially one that eats my shrimp pattern!