Fly-Rodding Texans in Dubois

This past week I had the pleasure of hosting Andrew and Brian, friends from TX, for a few days of fishing at my cabin in Dubois, Wyoming. Andrew’s been out here before, experiencing some great fly fishing on the Snake. This time, he was interested in more remote waters and brought his friend Brian along. I think it’s safe to say they weren’t disappointed. We fished some tributaries and lakes, catching cutthroats, rainbows and browns on everything from dry flies to streamers. Overall, I don’t think they could’ve asked for better fishing, and I couldn’t asked for cooler guys to spend time on the water with. Below is a few pictures from our days fishing…

Pretty brown

a dubois double rainbow

Brian showing some brown

ending the trip in style

Lakes, Rainbows and Bears

The past week proved to be a great week of fishing for
some adventurous clients of mine. We fished some great
remote rainbow waters, catching fish from the boat and also
on foot. Nymphs and streamer were the name of the game;
leeches working in the lake, while princes and pheasant tails
dead drifted fooled stream run fish. Scott did a fine job
detecting the subtle strikes on Wednesday, while Sal and
Ashley stripped flies like champions. We also got a special
treat Thursday, getting to see 3 Grizzlies just as we started
our ascent of Togwotee Pass! More fishing on the books this

Here’s Scott working in a strong backcountry Wyoming
Rainbow Trout..

Scott with a Wyoming Rainbow

Nice Fish!

Wyoming backcountry Rainbow

Mama and the Cubs..

mama grizz and cubs