Cigar Box Guitars

Longer days, decent fishing

Sorry for the radio silence. Since the holidays, we’ve been dealing with some fairly heavy stuff round here. Long story short, my dad has liver disease despite never drinking. This has really taken a toll on him and over the holidays his condition worsened greatly. He’s on the transplant list and we’re hoping he gets the call soon that they found a liver for him. In the meantime, I’m in the process of possibly being a living donor. So needless to say, things have been a little stressful round here.

Now for more upbeat things! Days are getting longer around here in Wyoming and fishing is improving. I’ve had the pleasure of guiding some folks lately on the Snake, introducing visitors to winter fly fishing. Some days have been tough, while others have been pretty good. We had some pretty great dry fly fishing with small midges one day in particular. I expect things to improve each week. Typically March and early April offer up some of the best fishing of the year. Huge midge hatches often bring all the fish in the river up to the surface to feed followed by the spring skwala stonefly hatch.

My favorite winter dry flies fresh off the vise…

mid-winter midges

If anyone’s going to be out here in March or April and would like to book a fishing trip, give me a shout. I’d love to show you what later winter/early spring fly fishing can be like. If you really want to have some late winter fun, consider an overnight trip to my fishing cabin in Dubois. While there you’ll experience some warmer temperatures, good fishing on the Wind river and also the option of doing some fun cross country skiing!

I’ve got an art show going at the Snake River Brewery through the end of March. You’ll find a bunch of cigar box guitar built by yours truely…..

nate's lone boulder guitars