New pup at the casa

Rain’s falling and a bit of snow’s predicted, elk are bugling and the leaves have changed and are now dropping. Must be fall in the Tetons. We’ve had a great September ’round here. Dry fly fishing on all waters has been stellar, with fish rising to everything from big hoppers and drakes to small BWOs and Tricos. A weather front moved into the valley the other day and seemed to slow fishing, although a few hardy anglers have embraced the cold, wet weather and are pitching BWOs to picky fish.

Here at the Bennett household things have changed dramatically. Last week Jamie and I drove over to Idaho Falls and picked up a new black lab puppy. Ruby James is eight weeks old and full of energy. She’s been a lot of fun (and work) and seems to have had no problems joining our pack. We’ve informed her that she has some big shoes to fill. Sage, our previous lab, was the greatest dog (and fishing companion) in the world and Ruby will have to work hard to follow in her footsteps. Something tells me she’s up for it….

Ruby James familiarizing herself with the Adipose driftboat…

Ruby James in the Boat

Fall fishing and some pictures

Around here, fishing takes precedent over blogging. And
while I’m sorry I haven’t posted anything lately, I am pleased
to report that fishing around here has been fantastic. Aside
from a few stray cold days, we’ve been having beautiful fall
weather. Skies are blue with the contrasting yellows and
oranges of changing cottonwood and aspen trees along the
river banks and temperatures, while cold at night, continue to
warm things up during the day.

Over the past few weeks I’ve gotten to take guests out on
some of my favorite waters around here in Wyoming. Some,
like the Snake and Firehole are well known, others are
sleepers. Regardless, it’s been a lot of fun putting folks on
fish, especially return guests that I’ve fished before. Below are
some photos from the past week; putting long fall days in
perspective and hopefully illustrating what it’s like to fly fish in
Jackson Hole, Yellowstone and surrounding western Wyoming

Here’s Mark casting to a rising rainbow trout on the
Firehole river in YNP..

on the firehole

Up Close and Personal with the Alpha Female; I took
it as a good omen..

Alpha Female

Chris finding a remote YNP stream both challenging
and rewarding (not to mention beautiful)

stream brown trout in YNP

A wild Yellowstone Cutthroat trout! (author’s note:
I’m a little ashamed of the streamer in his mouth, but you
gotta do what you gotta do….)

Yellowstone river cutthroat

Black Canyon of the Yellowstone River; makes for a
long, but awesome day!

Yellowstone River; Black Canyon