Good fishing and great clients lately

Around here fishing is getting better and better with each passing week. In addition to some time with clients over at the fishing cabin, I’ve spent the better part of the past week guiding in Yellowstone National Park. YNP is one of my favorite places to guide and fish. The variety of waters there is astounding; famous rivers like the Firehole and Madison draw the most attention, but my favorites are lesser-known and off the beaten path.

The hot temps over the past week or two really got the snowpack melting and I think our rivers have peaked and are on their way to clearing. Drift boat fishing on the Green is about to get good, as is the fishing in Jellystone (some of which is already on!) Waters I’ve fished lately have had some great hatches of stoneflies (all different sizes), caddis, PMDs, Green drakes and even a few BWOs on cloudy, cool days. Here’s a few pics from the past week….

Keith caught this fine Yellowstone Cutthroat trout the other day; the nicest of many nice ones!

Keith in Yellowstone

Andrew, a longtime client (and now friend), hooked up with a backcountry brown trout in Yellowstone

Andrew hooked up with a brown in YNP

Beautiful colors on this Yellowstone Cutt. He ate a dry.

Yellowstone cutthroat trout

Off to a hot start

June’s off to a hot start around here. After a mild spring so far, we’re seeing temperatures hit 80 degree here in Jackson. All of a sudden everything’s green; a pretty sight after months of white, tans and browns. It seems like this years runoff is a bit different; I feel like we had an earlier, first-part runoff, with all of the lower elevation snow disappearing. Now with 80 degree temps, the high elevation snow is melting quickly. This gives me a sneaking suspicion that things will clear fairly fast.

Right now much of the fly fishing I’ve been doing, both with clients and on my own has been occurring on our lakes, in the southwestern portion of YNP and in smaller, high elevation streams. The Green was fishing well too until a few days back. Now it’s big and dirty. I think this should get back in decent shape in another two or three weeks.

Matt heads down into a canyon stretch of water. While clear, the water was raging making wading tricky..

down into the canyon

Spotted fever- A beautiful brown. I didn’t catch many fish, but the ones i got were stunning.

A June Brown

A few days back I got out with my friend Matt for some exploring. We fished a stream that was clear but definitely raging with water. Much of it was impossible to fish (and wade) but there were some good, slower runs and while we didn’t catch many fish, the one’s we got were nice. I stuck to a big red ant, remembering why i love dry fly fishing so much!