Snake’s fishing well!

My apologies for the lack of entries lately on the blog
front. Things here in Jackson have been busy and fish have
been biting- A man’s gotta have priorities (and a blog looses
out when the fishing’s good!)  I’ve been spending time finding
fish for folks and tying flies to fool them. Folks in my boat
have been catching a variety of size cutthroat trout on dry
flies and have had fun doing so. Right now, my go-to fly is a
PMD- these guys are coming off the water around noon and
really get the fish moving in the riffles. As we transition into
fall (i.e. get some colder temperatures and gray days) I’d
expect to see some snake drakes, mahogany duns and blue-
winged olives to make appearances.

This is my favorite time to fish around here. Hope
everyone’s able to get out and make the most of things.
Below are some fine cutthroat trout that were recently caught
on the Snake. Nice work Matt!

Matt with trout

trout in net