wade trip 8/4 flat creek

here is a post on-
f=3&t=6771 -a nj trout fishing message board about my
morning with nate.

finally got out to wyoming and fished this morning. i took a
wade trip with nate bennent of teton fly fishing on flat creek. it
was outstanding. flat creek is a small windy meadow stream
with undercut banks and is very senic.

i was fortunate to start off catching some rocky mountain
whitefish, 2 of which were around 20 inches, on a double
nymph rig. this was imprtant because i am, at best, a novice
fly fisherman. i felt my confidence go up when the trout
started feeding. nate spotted a big cutthroat, plus 20 inches,

the big trout took a swipe at my dry fly only to have me swing
and miss with my hook set. tough one to swallow. the next
hour was spent casting to intermittently feeding fish that
showed no interest in anything i threw. very discouraged we
stalked upstream without finding anything.

nate suggested casting the nymph rig to an undercut bank
even though he didn’t see anything. luckily i made a good
cast, the indicater paused, i set and the fight began. it wasn’t
easy keeping the fish from disapearing under the banks on
either side of the stream. luckily, i managed well enough to
get the 18-19 inch cutthroat to the net. first cutthroat ever,
pretty psyched.

the rest of the day went equally well with one more cutty on a
nymph and 2 on a hopper. flat creek is great water but very
tough to land a fish with it being so narrow and all the
undercut banks. the real challenge is making a good
presentation. it took a rookie like me about 3 hours to get it
right but it was worth it.

a huge thank you to nate bennent for offering his patience
and expertise.