Mayflies and cloudy days

In the fall around Jackson, cloudy days on the Snake mean
big (size 10 and 12) Hecuba mayflies and hungry trout….


Matching the hatch



Snake’s fishing well!

My apologies for the lack of entries lately on the blog
front. Things here in Jackson have been busy and fish have
been biting- A man’s gotta have priorities (and a blog looses
out when the fishing’s good!)  I’ve been spending time finding
fish for folks and tying flies to fool them. Folks in my boat
have been catching a variety of size cutthroat trout on dry
flies and have had fun doing so. Right now, my go-to fly is a
PMD- these guys are coming off the water around noon and
really get the fish moving in the riffles. As we transition into
fall (i.e. get some colder temperatures and gray days) I’d
expect to see some snake drakes, mahogany duns and blue-
winged olives to make appearances.

This is my favorite time to fish around here. Hope
everyone’s able to get out and make the most of things.
Below are some fine cutthroat trout that were recently caught
on the Snake. Nice work Matt!

Matt with trout

trout in net


I’ve been spending A LOT of time on the Green River lately
and it’s certainly living up to its reputation. We’ve been catching
browns, rainbows and whitefish of all sizes on dries and nymphs.
Below are a couple of nice rainbows that Orlando and Adam
picked up a few days ago while fishing with me. Not bad for two
guys accustom to fishing the salt!


Orlando's bow

Matching Browns

I spent the past two days with Bill and his son Will. Friday was their first time fishing the Green. The guys landed these matching browns out of the same hole. Nice work guys!

Bill's brown

Will's brown

What a fish!

I’m happy to report that the Green River is really starting
to fish well. I’ve been down there twice the past few days and
have had a great time. The water is coming down and clearing
fast and bugs are coming off in droves. I plan on spending a
lot of time on it with clients in the next few weeks.

My friend Brandon from Colorado was introduced to the
upper Green yesterday and it didn’t disappoint. He fished a
combination of dries and nymphs, picking up several fish on
both. However the fish of the day (and possibly year) came on
a dry fly fished on 5x tippet. We found this guy feeding in a
back eddy and had to chase him down river for quite a while
before finally landing him.

Quite a fish that we’ll both always remember.


Rainbow 2

Rainbow 3


If you read my brief fishing report, you’ll know that I’m feeling
a bit optimistic. After a long bout of high, dirty water, it seems
that things are improving and we’re on the verge of fishing
here in Jackson.

I’ve had some folks out on morning walk-in trips this past week
and also ventured down to the Green river. Folks have caught
some smaller trout on dry flies (caddis and parachute adams).
This has been great to see, not only because for many it was
their very first fish on a fly rod, but also because it’s been a
while since fish have taken a fly on the surface.

I think the Green’s really going to provide some great dry fly
fishing. Floating it the other day, it looked pretty good. And
while not totally clear, it’s definitely fishable, especially if you
don’t mind drifting some nymphs.

Our old friend the Snake may just come around this summer
and give us some good fishing. I noticed that the levels are
down, exposing new gravel bars and channels. It’s still dirty,
but I’d expect it to look better and better each day. Hopefully
we’ll be out on it soon casting hopper patterns to eager trout.
In the meantime, I’ll happily take folks to the Green!

Good things happen to those who wait…

Out and About

Recently I headed north to Yellowstone in search of trout.
Because of the holiday crowds, my friend Matt and I avoided
popular waters and focused on a few lesser known gems that
usually offer up some good fishing when all the water around
Jackson Hole is high and muddy. This year though things were
different. What once was pocket water and long, slow runs was
now a raging torrent comprised of rapids and waves. It became
clear in a hurry that we weren’t going to find much fishable
water. Adding insult to injury, mosquitoes covered (and
devoured) every inch of exposed skin when we stopped for a
drink of water or a pointless cast. Still, we had a great time
and even managed to catch a few small brown trout which, on
a two weight, makes for great fun.

yellowstone brown

Back home here in Jackson things are still a wash with
snow runoff. I spent Sunday morning helping Joe and his son,
Brennan learn about fly fishing. They did a great job working
the water with nymphs and streamer and despite the slow
catching, had a great time getting some time out on the water.
Brennan ended up showing his dad how it’s done, landing a nice
cutthroat on a nymph.

first trout on a fly rod

An update on things around here

My apologies for the lack of posts lately. The current
fishing conditions have been less than inspiring and I’ve been
waiting until I could write something upbeat. Fishing here in
Jackson Hole is tough at best and impossible at worst. The
good news is that we seem to have finally transitioned to
some genuinely nice weather. Sunshine and temperatures in
the 70s have reminding all of us why we choose to endure 8
months of winter. The weather has also spiked snow runoff,
raising all major waterways around here to near flood

Folks have been asking when the fishing’s going to come
around and I honestly can’t say. Much depends on the weather
and how fast our huge snow pack melts. I will say that we are
at least a few weeks out before anything really starts shaping

Despite these hard conditions, I did a few fishing trips this
week. I warned folks of extremely tough conditions, explaining
that it would be damn hard to hook anything, but that if they
still wanted to get out and cast a fly rod and learn about fly
fishing, we could do morning walk in trips on a smaller stream.
Declining my offer to refund deposits, some eager folks
decided to go anyway and we ended up having some fun
mornings. More importantly, after pounding the muddy water
with big nymphs, a few cutthroat trout were landed, allowing
my clients to experience the thrill of catching a native cutthroat
trout on a fly. I’m glad everyone had fun and I give them a lot
of credit for their perseverance and determination.

Here’s David showing off a cutthroat that fell for his dead
drifted Black and Red. Not the biggest, but a fitting reward for
his casting. Nice work David!

david with trout

Back Home

Having just spent a week back east in PA enduring record heat,
crazy traffic and a funeral, I can tell you it’s great to be back in
the mountains of Wyoming. While most of my time was spent
attending family functions, I was able to sneak in a little fly

My friend Kurt and I chose the hottest day of the heat wave to
head up to Spring Creek, PA. Fortunately, as we worked our
way through the thick forest and into the stream, the
temperature cooled considerably. I can’t say that the fishing
was fantastic; seems we just missed the sulphur hatch. But we
were able to hook quite a few modest size brown trout on
nymphs and compra-duns. The biggest fish of the trip came in
the form of a sucker who momentarily fooled us into thinking I
had connected with one of the legendary brown trout that
Spring Creek is known for. The following morning we spent a
few hours on nearby Fishing creek. While we only managed
one trout (nice work Kurt), we left believing that with a little
more knowledge and some cooler temperatures, Fishing creek
could probably treat us right.

Overall, it was good trip. I caught some fish, eat some
cheesesteaks and spent quality time with family. And while it’s
never fun to attend a funeral, it was nice to pay respects to my
Grandma; a woman who never minced words and made the
best meatballs in the world.

Friday’s fishing

Here’s a photo from Friday’s mid-day fishing adventure. Sure
was nice to see blue sky and sunshine.

small stream