Boy, I’m not sure where the time has gone. It’s already approaching Christmas! Not much fishing news to report. I’ve been doing a fair amount of substitute teaching and artwork. Jamie, Lulu and I took a road trip over Thanksgiving to the Pacific Northwest. We visited some friends in OR and WA and got to see the Pacific Ocean.
I was hoping to do some Steelhead fishing, but conditions didn’t cooperate. Most waters close to us were running high and muddy so I didn’t feel too bad about keeping the rod packed away. We did see some salmon and steelhead though at the Bonneville Dam fish ladder. It’s remarkable what these fish have to endure and mind-blowing to think that they run hundreds of miles inland. Hopefully we’ll get back out that way again and wet a line. Otherwise things are pretty calm around here in Jackson Hole. I’m tying flies and building some cigar box guitars; hoping to fill some orders in time for Christmas.
Jamie and Lulu at the Pacific Ocean in OR. Super cool introducing Lu to the ocean.

Brought along the watercolors and did a quick sketch on the beach

Really neat to watch the salmon and steelhead as they navigate the fish ladder.

A few of my latest creations. Working on finishing a bunch of these and shipping them to folks in time for Xmas.