Everything’s fishing

As we close out July, the fishing around here is red hot. I’ve been busy taking folks fishing on a variety of waters around here in Wyoming. Both the Green and Snake rivers are providing folks with good fishing; smaller waters are also great too. We’ve caught some really nice brown trout down on the Green, mainly fishing subsurface. The Snake’s really turned on too. Dry fly fishing on it with big foam/attractor patterns is the best I’ve seen in a while.

In addition to the float fishing, I also got to get out of town for a few days, taking long-time return client and friend, Andrew, from Houston, TX over to the cabin in Dubois for a few days of fly fishing. We fished some of my favorite waters; getting waaaay off the beaten path, where native Yellowstone Cutthroat trout rose aggressively to various dry flies. The fish weren’t huge, but there were some nice ones and they kept us busy all day long. It was a great few days and nice to over to Dubois.

Andrew showing off a beautiful Yellowstone Cutthroat trout…. 

Andrew with Yellowstone Cutthroat

Off the beaten path…

Fly Fishing near Dubois Wyoming

The upcoming weeks should continue to provide guests with some great fishing. I’m looking forward to more fun days watching clients pound the banks of the Snake with large foam patterns, as well as some more overnight trips to Dubois.

Small water

As some of you know, I have a soft spot for small wild trout streams. The other day I had the pleasure of introducing Ross and his son George to one of my favorites. Streams like this are never featured in magazines or on “current fishing condition” boards at the local shops. They are however as wild a place to fish for trout as you can imagine and full of eager brook trout and cutthroat. Over the course of the day, both anglers enjoyed the small water; catching pan size trout on bushy stimulators. Here’s to the small water and the beautiful trout that inhabit them!

George and Ross working the water with dry flies…

backcountry water

Ross showing off one of his many trout from the day

Ross with brookie

Two happy anglers…

ross and george

Long days and biting fish

After taking some great folks fishing up in Yellowstone last
week, including a fun return client from Texas,  AND providing
my brother and his lovely wife a luxurious comfortable futon for a few
days, I found myself with two free days and a desire to check
on a favorite native cutthroat stream of mine. Jamie joined
me and boy did we have a great day. Long slow pools were full
of eager Snake River Finespotted cutthroat trout. We traded
casts, throwing big, bushy Stimulators and Sofa Pillows to
likely runs and rising trout. All in all a great way to spend a
Monday; capped off with streamside cans of cold Coors.
Today’s another beauty here in Jackson Hole. I’m gearing up
for some guided trips this week into the Shoshone National
Forest with guests. Should be a blast fishing dry flies to wild,
aggressive fish. In the meantime, I got a brisket smoking I
should get back too. Happy 4th to everyone!

Mark celebrates his birthday in style with a Firehole
brown trout. Abundant caddis made for fun fishing and the
Grizzly sighting only added to a fine day on the water!

Mark celebrates on the firehole

Jamie releases a jewel of a cutthroat trout.

Landing one


native cutthroat

Jamie hooking up on a nice pool. It seemed every
fish in the stream wanted her fly!
