Weekend with Friends

It pays to have friends in nice places. This past weekend,
Jamie, Sage and I headed south to visit our good friends
Brandon and Rachelle in Clark, CO. Naturally, fishing was on
the agenda, but the real reason for the journey was to catch up
with old friends and meet the newest member of their family,
Wyatt, a strong 11 month old.

The Martins reside in Clark, CO, a beautiful area just north
of Steamboat Springs. Brandon recently joined Vista
Verde Ranch
, tasked with running their fishing program
and guiding guests on the many great trout waters around
Clark. Fishing conditions were far from ideal during our visit,
but Brandon had a few tricks up his sleeve and introduced me
to some cool fish; including browns, rainbows, vibrant
Colorado cutthroat trout and Grayling. Fighting through an ugly
hangover courtisey of locally made bourbon, we got hiking,
eventually finding a big, nasty riffle that held several
archetypal Brown trout. The following day we tested out the
ranches new float tubes, fishing a nearby lake and meeting up
with the ladies for a picnic lunch. I had the pleasure of
catching Colorado cutthroat and grayling, two species I seldom
get to pursue. In addition to Brandon and I hooking some fish,
both wives also hooked a few fish, making it a memorable
Memorial Day!

Below you’ll find a few pictures from our lake outing. Many
thanks to Brandon, Rachelle and Wyatt for a great time! If
anyone out there is looking to spend some time at a cool dude
ranch with great fishing, look up Brandon at Vista Verde!

Me and a cutthroat..

colorado cutthroat

Brandon showing a grayling’s dorsal fin


Brandon put his lovely lady, Rachelle on her first fish with
a fly rod…

martins with a grayling

King of CO, Brandon shows off a Grayling

brandon with grayling

upclose and personal; these pictures don’t capture the
subdle iridescent colors..

grayling fin


The last week brought beautiful spring days to the Tetons. This
weather kicked the spring runoff into full gear, trashing area
waters and putting fly fishing the Snake and its tributaries on
hold for a few weeks. Because it’s been so sunny and warm, I’m
thinking rivers will clear and start fishing earlier than first
thought. Despite this, there are still plenty of places to wet a
line; the most obvious being area lakes.

Many of our lakes fish best in the spring and offer anglers the
chance to sight-cast to cruising trout. In fact, while we were
fishing a sand flat last week, I couldn’t help but feel like we were
fishing for bonefish; casting in front of moving fish and getting
their attention with a twitched fly. Very cool! Expect the lakes to
fish well for a while, with smaller, higher altitude lakes becoming
a destination once snow melts and ice comes off.

Fly fishing around Wyoming and the find of the year!

As of today, many area rivers are rising and turning brown
thanks in large part to sunny skies and temperatures pushing
into the high 60s. While this puts some stretches of water on
hold for the next month or so, it also gives area lakes top
billing for the foreseeable future. Jackson Lake’s shores are
mostly ice-free and it’s a good time to take some streamers
and sinking line up there in search of hungry cutthroat, brown
and lake trout.


I’ve been fortunate, having spent the past couple weeks
wading and drifting various drainages with a good amount of
luck. Matt and I pulled together a quick camping/ fishing trip,
hitting up the “Mile” during a two-day stretch of nice weather
and pretty good fishing. We ended up ditching the tent in favor
of sleeping under the stars, not far from several productive
riffles where rainbows fell for our flies. Matt may very well
have hooked the fish of a lifetime. Unfortunately, an explosive
line-spooling run down river resulted in his line and leader
coming back missing a fly….

releasing on the platte


Jamie and I spent a few days lake fishing from the new
boat. Fortunately we didn’t have to over think things; black
wooly buggers were the ticket and the rainbows attacked them
often enough to keep us busy for the better part of the day!

jamie casting


spring in the tetons

In related fishing news from Teton Fly Fishing world
headquarters, my neighbor and his wife were walking their dog
yesterday morning when they spied what appeared to be a rod
tube sticking out of a nearby dumpster. Upon saving it from
the approaching trash truck, they took out the contents and
discovered a fly rod, and not just any run of the mill import
graphite stick, a beautiful……… wait for it ……..BAMBOO rod!!!
Could be the find of the century, and I must admit to being a
little envious. Congrats you two!