No snow and not much in the way of fishing (or skiing).
That’s how it’s been around here lately. And while it hasn’t
been dreadful, a little new snow would certainly boost morale,
both for folks around town and the trout that depend on a
robust snowpack for survival. Not time to worry yet though,
we still have a lot of winter left.
I’m been keeping myself busy around here tinkering with
various art projects and playing some music, both on the guitar
and a newly acquired ukulele. Speaking of music, I saw a great
band last night- Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit at a local
watering hole. The music itself was fantastic; alt country fueled
by whiskey and struggle. Unfortunately the venue was less
than adequate for such a great band. Somewhere along the
way, live music has taken a back seat to superficial chit chat
and constant cellphone checks. I watched the show intently, as
did a quarter of the other folks in the bar, but it was clear that
$20 ticket or not, most folks were there to socialize and show
off their first ever attempt at facial hair. (Yes, I realize I
sound like a curmudgeon) Regardless, it was great to see some
rock n’ roll in a mountain town that’s become increasingly more
interested in techno music and energy-drink fueled dance
parties. If you like rock n’ roll and alternative country music,
do yourself a favor and checkout Jason Isbell.
Couldn’t resist the vinyl…..came with a free digital album
download as well.