
Summer Fishing

Finally have a day off and thought I’d do a quick blog update on fly fishing around here. It’s been a great summer so far with fun clients! We’ve spent the majority of time casting dry flies to native cutthroat trout. Most of my days lately have been on the Snake River here in Jackson Hole, although I floated some folks down on the upper Green River and Salt River. Also did some wade fishing up in Yellowstone park. The weather’s been great; albeit a little hot. We’ve been getting on the water early to take advantage of cooler water temperatures and finishing in the 2-3 pm time range.

Folks sometimes ask what a guides’ day off looks like. For yours truly, it looks like this: sleep in, tie flies, take a family walk, go out to the Virginian for breakfast with my lady and enjoy the new Jason Isbell album while smoking a brisket. Oh, and throw in mowing the lawn for good measure. Pretty great! And the guitars probably need a little attention….

A few pics from the past month….

Thumbs up for a nice Snake River Cutthroat willing to rise to a big stonefly.
Me and good friend, Jason, waiting for the brown drake spinner fall on the Henrys Fork in early July. While the writer’s strike is keeping Jason out of the writers room, he has more time to fish right now. Always great to fishing and camp with him.
start’em young! Carly had a great day once we discovered the banana she brought on the boat. We promptly disposed of it and started catching fish!
Friend and return client, miss Norma Jean. Always a blast spending the day on the water with her.
More smiles and sunshine!
Scott hooked up on a wade fishing adventure. We covered ground and found wild cutthroat trout!
Nice fish Scott!