Entries by Nathan Bennett

Some good February Fishing

We’re plugging through winter here in Jackson Hole and I’ve been fortunate to have had some great folks wanting to get in on some winter fly fishing while visiting on ski vacations. In typical winter fashion, the Snake River has made us work for our fish, but anglers walked away happy. Much winter fly fishing […]

January in the Hole

Onwards and upwards as we delve into 2020! Hope folks had a good holiday season. Mine was filled with visiting family and friends. I managed to sneak in a little fishing just before New Years, joining my friend Kurt at his place on the New Jersey Bay. The weather was fairly warm for late December, […]

staying busy with fall fishing

Finally getting some time to catch up on the Blog. My weeks have been busy fishing anglers on our local rivers. The dry fly fishing has been really good as you’d expect this time of year. With October nearing, I’m looking forward to more good fishing, both with dry flies for our native cutthroat trout […]

Green River

It’s been nice this week to float folks on the upper Green River. The weather’s been about perfect (aside from some wind) and hopefully the dry fly fishing will pick up. Here’s Melissa showing off the largest trout she’s ever caught on a fly. Super fun fishing her and her husband Jamie again on this […]


Been doing some trips up to Yellowstone lately with folks. The Firehole is fishing pretty well and it’s hard to beat spending a day amongst the geysers and buffalo. Sporadic hatches of BWOs and PMDs have allowed clients to catch some fiesty browns and rainbows on various stretches of the fabled water. When the fish […]

Fishing picking up round here

Memorial Day weekend marks the opening of fishing in Yellowstone National Park. I was up on the Firehole guiding Doug, Joyce, Marcie and Zippy; great folks who hail from Philadelphia. Despite never having fly fished before, they had a great time catching wild browns and rainbows! The weather was typical for springtime in Yellowstone, cool […]

Two weeks on Andros

Just returned from spending two weeks on Andros Island in the Bahamas. Andros is the largest island in the Bahamas, yet one of the least populated. Much of it is wild, unsettled country (mangroves, swamps, forests, etc.) with a few tiny “towns” thrown in for good measure. It’s known as the bonefish capitol of the […]

Longer days, decent fishing

Sorry for the radio silence. Since the holidays, we’ve been dealing with some fairly heavy stuff round here. Long story short, my dad has liver disease despite never drinking. This has really taken a toll on him and over the holidays his condition worsened greatly. He’s on the transplant list and we’re hoping he gets […]