Entries by Nathan Bennett

Bahamas sketchbook journal

Here’s a look at some of the sketchbook art I made while on our trip. I’ve begun trying to be better at keeping an art journal of trips I go on. It’s a great way to remember things and capture the trip. Sometimes while trout fishing I’ll carry a small sketchbook and watercolor kit in […]

Bahamas, round 1

Was able to get back to the Bahamas for a week of fishing with long time clients, Chris and Mark. It was a great week with fishing, good food and drink and fine company. As usual, we did a mix of guided boat trips and DIY wade fishing. The weather was fantastic and we caught […]

Some trips for the new year

Despite the cold winter weather lately I’ve had fun guiding some hardy folks on winter walk in trips. While it hasn’t been easy, it’s been fun and fortunately we’ve found some fish. This time of year nymph fishing is best. Snowshoeing adds to the adventure and allows us to access water more easily. It’s always […]

Winter Fly Fishing

After a fairly dry November and early December, we are finally seeing some snow around here. I was out on the water several days last week guiding visiting anglers. While winter fishing is more challenging, it offers folks a fun, unique activity to do while in Jackson Hole. Some days are harder than others, but […]

Rolling into winter

Another good fly fishing season has drawn to a close here at Teton Fly Fishing. Thanks to everyone who fished with me this year. Below are a few pics from the fall. I went up to Helena MT a few weeks back and picked up a new Adipose Skiff. It’s resting comfortably in the garage […]

Fly Tying Vises…..

I’ve been tying flies for over 30 years and have tied on a number of vises ranging from the cheapest of the cheap to the flagship (and expensive models) brands. I thought I’d take a minute and compare a few of the most popular fly tying vises on the market for anyone thinking about a […]

Fishing Lately

Finally feels like spring around here in Jackson Hole! What a long, cold spring we’ve had. Nice to be sporting some flip flops today. Warmer temperatures mean that the runoff has begun. Currently the Snake is off color and rising making it not ideal for fishing. The upper Green is changing daily; one day up […]

Ah, Spring Fly Fishing on the Snake River…

Some days it feels like spring around here and others, still like winter. Such is springtime in the Rockies where one day can be near 60 degrees and sunny prompting thoughts of barbecuing and porch cocktails, only to have those visions crushed by sideways blowing wet snow. Regardless, spring is a great time to fish […]

Bonefish round two…

I just returned from a week of bonefishing in the Bahamas with longtime fishing clients, Chris and Mark. After years of guiding the guys on rivers here in western Wyoming, they became intrigued by my tales of saltwater fly fishing. I was happy to accompany them on their first bonefishing trip last year and again […]

Late February Fishing

It’s the end of February and days are getting longer and temperatures have hit 40 degrees in the valley a few times. Midges are showing up regularly on the river and a few tiny black stoneflies are stumbling around too. It’s a great time to go fly fishing! I’ve been out recently with a number […]