The desert, winter and gearing up

Not a fishing related report, but fun non the less. Jamie and I returned from spending a few weeks in Bisbee, Arizona. Over the years we’ve traveled to Bisbee a fair amount, visiting family and enjoying the funky mining town. Last year while there, we decided it’d be fun to spend a month in the winter there, researching what it’s like to live away from the Wyoming winter. Bisbee’s a great old mining town in Southern Arizona. Once home to a thriving copper mine, now old hippies and artists call it home. Being built into the sides of the Mule Mountains, Bisbee remains a great small town at a high elevation that keeps it cooler than much of Arizona. We ended up getting an air B and B for a month, driving down in early January and returning to Jackson about a week ago. The trip was great; lots of hiking, relaxing and visiting with my aunt and uncle and their friends. An impromptu trip to Aqua Prieta, across the border from Douglas, AZ led to a great, but horrible haircut (fortunately my hair will grow back!!). On the way home we visited friends in New Mexico, getting back to Jackson in time to see some other friends who were visiting from SLC and LA. Now that we’re home we’ve gotten back in the swing of things here in Jackson Hole. I’ve been substitute teaching and tying flies while Jamie’s back handling the community’s mental health needs.

I’m beginning to get excited for fishing season. New gear and fly tying material are being ordered and my calendar is quickly filling up with fishing trips for the upcoming season. If you’re thinking about booking a trip with me, please get in touch quickly to ensure I get you on the schedule. This season will be another good one with trips to various local waters and all inclusive fishing cabin adventures. Currently still pretty cold here in Jackson but once the weather starts warming expect a few fishing pics and reports.