Been doing some trips up to Yellowstone lately with folks. The Firehole is fishing pretty well and it’s hard to beat spending a day amongst the geysers and buffalo. Sporadic hatches of BWOs and PMDs have allowed clients to catch some fiesty browns and rainbows on various stretches of the fabled water. When the fish aren’t rising, we’ve swung wet flies and nymphs with success.

Trapper shows off a nice Firehole River brown trout. Not bad for his first time fly fishing.
The Firehole isn’t known for big fish. Most anglers can expect to catch spunky browns and rainbows in the 6-12″ range, but it’s possible to catch some larger fish. The Salmonflies should start appearing in the canyon stretch in the next week or so. In addition to Yellowstone, we’ve also been fishing some area lakes. I always find lakes to be hit or miss. When they’re on, they can be some of the most fun fishing around. When they’re not, like yesterday, it makes for a tough day…. Regardless it’s always fun to introduce anglers to some of our fine stillwater options.
On days i haven’t been on the water, I’ve been tying flies and getting the Dubois cabin ready for guests. When I was working over there last week, Lulu and I discovered a fresh bear cache just above our property. Looked like a Grizzly had picked off an elk calf and devoured most of it. I got a few lousy picks on the game cam and am hoping next time i check it I’ll have something worth posting.